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Proposal would mirror federal model for judicial selection process
OKLAHOMA CITY – Senate Pro Tem Lonnie Paxton, R-Tuttle, today introduced Senate Joint Resolution 6. The measure was presented by Senator Brian Guthrie, R-Bixby, and advanced 16-3 in the Senate Rules Committee.
Senate Joint Resolution 6 is a measure designed to reform the Oklahoma Judicial Nominating Commission (JNC) and brings the state's judicial selection process more in line with the federal model.
Under the proposed reforms, the governor would select judicial candidates, and the state Senate would then be tasked with confirming or rejecting those nominees. This change would introduce greater transparency and accountability to the process, ensuring Oklahoma’s judiciary reflects the will of the people while maintaining the independence of the judicial branch.
“The proposed changes will bring clarity and fairness to the process,” Pro Tem Paxton said. “The JNC, which is supposed to be an independent body, lacks the transparency necessary to inspire public trust. It’s time to shift toward a process where elected officials, who are accountable to the voters, are directly involved in the selection of judges. With the Senate’s role in confirming judges, Oklahomans will have a better understanding of who is being appointed and how decisions are made.
“I appreciate Senator Brian Guthrie who carried the bill and presented it today in the Rules Committee. He did a great job of laying out the argument as to why we need to move to this model.”
Critics argue that the current system is opaque, with limited public input and little clarity about how decisions are made or how nominees are selected. Additionally, the JNC process has been criticized for being prone to partisanship and favoritism, with accusations of backroom deals that prevent fair representation of all Oklahomans.
Senate Joint Resolution 6 seeks to remedy these shortcomings by empowering the Governor to make judicial appointments directly, followed by Senate confirmation.
“The current system is done behind closed doors and simply isn’t working in the best interest of Oklahomans,” said Senator Guthrie, R-Bixby, who presented SJR6. “The federal selection process has worked for more than 200 years. With the Senate’s role in confirming judges, Oklahomans will have a better understanding of who is being appointed and how decisions are made. The legislature will be able to hold nominees accountable, and voters will know their interests are being represented at every step of the process. I appreciate Pro Tem Paxton’s faith in me to present this meaningful reform and look forward to helping it through the process.”
This model mirrors the federal process, where the President selects judicial nominees and the U.S. Senate provides oversight through confirmation hearings and votes. This change will give Oklahoma’s voters more confidence that their judicial system is being shaped by accountable officials rather than an unelected commission shrouded in secrecy.
If passed, it will be presented to Oklahoma voters for approval in a statewide vote.