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Pro Tem Greg Treat welcomes pro-life advocates to Oklahoma Capitol for Rose Day

Sen. Greg Treat Sen. Greg Treat

Oklahoma Senate President Pro Tempore Greg Treat commended the many advocates gathering at the Oklahoma Capitol on Wednesday for the annual “Rose Day” pro-life celebration.

“The annual Rose Day celebration is a fantastic event that truly reflects Oklahoma’s heart for the unborn,” said Treat, R-Oklahoma City. “The reason I entered public service was to support and advance the pro-life movement. There is more work to do to honor and protect the sanctity of life, but we cannot forget the tremendous progress made in Oklahoma and around the nation in recent years in protecting the unborn. There can be no mistake: Oklahoma is a pro-life state. As the president pro tempore, I can say the Oklahoma Senate will continue to support and advocate for life-affirming policies.”

Contact info
Sen. Treat: (405) 521-5565