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Oklahoma Senate Democrats comment on charges filed against Sen. Bryce Marlatt

Sen. John Sparks Sen. John Sparks
The Oklahoma State Senate Democratic Caucus issued a statement today through their leader, Sen. John Sparks, D-Norman, commenting on the charges filed against Sen. Bryce Marlatt.

“We have seen the probable cause affidavit that led the Oklahoma County District Attorney to file felony sexual battery charges against Senator Bryce Marlatt. These are serious charges which demand his prompt attention.

“We have asked Senator Marlatt to seriously consider the impact these charges have on his Senate career and his ability to properly serve his constituents in Senate District 27.

“We hope he will take the weekend to visit with his legal counsel, talk with his family, and thoughtfully consider his situation. We are confident that he will make a decision quickly and directly and without any undue hesitation.”

Contact info
Sen. Sparks: (405) 521-5553