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Hundreds of Oklahomans gathered on the south steps of the state Capitol as part of the Tax Day Tea Parties that took place across the nation on Wednesday. The events were in demonstration against high taxes and Congress’ continued excessive spending in recent months.
Sen. Dan Newberry attended the rally and said he was proud to see so many Oklahomans taking time out of their day to send Congress an important message.
“I think it’s important that people are involved in the process. I commend those people who came today and for being involved in this nationwide effort,” said Newberry, R-Tulsa. “I went myself because I, as a senator, also agree that the federal government is out of control on how its spending money.”
The demonstrations are part of a larger grassroots movement to protest massive government spending known as Taxed Enough Already (TEA), which started the Tax Day Tea Parties more than 235 years after the original Boston Tea Party revolt against taxes.
“Something has to be done. The taxation that will come from the recent stimulus bills approved by Congress will be regressive to our children’s children,” said Newberry. “Today’s event is about patriotism and exercising one’s greatest freedoms as an American. As citizens, we need to remind Congress that ours is a government by the people and for the people, and they need to listen and stop spending billions of taxpayers’ money so irresponsibly.”
The rally in Oklahoma City was only one of many across the state and nation.
“Hopefully, these calm demonstrations will appear on the radar of the federal government and they’ll realize that they’re out of control and that they’ve got to bring in the reigns.”