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The leaders of the Oklahoma Senate and House of Representatives announced that legislators have reached a historic, bipartisan agreement on a wide range of budget and tax issues.
The accord includes supplemental funding for education and the Department of Corrections, a package of tax cuts, and a general appropriations bill to fund state agencies in FY 2008.
House Speaker Lance Cargill (R-Harrah), Senate President Pro Tem Mike Morgan (D-Stillwater), and Senate Co-President Pro Tem Glenn Coffee (R-Oklahoma City) issued the following joint statement regarding the budget agreement:
“This agreement is the result of a positive process and a renewed spirit of bipartisanship at the State Capitol. It meets the April 1 Fund Education First deadline for the first time, and also represents one of the earliest agreements in history on funding for a comprehensive state budget. As legislative leaders, we are very proud of all the diligence, professionalism, and responsibility displayed by our fellow legislators that made this historic agreement possible.”