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Kirt receives committee assignments for 59th Legislature

OKLAHOMA CITY –Sen. Julia Kirt, D-Oklahoma City, will continue serving on the Senate Appropriations, Veterans and Military Affairs, Rules, and Finance Committees, along with the Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and Human Services. Kirt will also serve on the newly created Appropriations Subcommittee on the Office of Oklahoma Management and Enterprise Services (OMES) and American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Oversight Committee.

“I am looking forward to my committee roles this session, and the chance to focus more on our state’s finances,” Kirt said. “We must ensure state spending at all levels is as transparent as possible to ensure funds, whether state or federal, are invested efficiently to help strengthen local economies,” Kirt said. “This is why I'm especially happy to serve on the OMES/ARPA Oversight Committee to ensure one of our state's core agencies works effectively and our $1.8 billion in federal pandemic relief funds are spent in a manner that improves state services and, ultimately, the quality of life of all Oklahomans.”

The Finance Committee hears legislation relating to taxes, revenue, and public finance. The Appropriations Committee is responsible for bills that would have a fiscal impact on the state, including the state budget. The Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and Human Services oversees funding for 12 state agencies, including the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, Department of Health, Oklahoma Health Care Authority, and others.

The Rules Committee handles policy dealing with election laws, ethics, administrative rule procedure and proposed amendments to the constitution. The Veterans and Military Affairs Committee covers legislation regarding Oklahoma’s veterans and active-duty military members, and coordinates efforts with the Oklahoma Military Department and Oklahoma Department of Veteran’s Affairs.

“Each of my assignments allow me to learn more about our state, it’s people, their needs, and how we can best position our government to serve all Oklahomans well,” Kirt said. “These committees all have a special role to play in the legislative process. I am proud to represent my constituents as we begin our committee work, as well as in every meeting, question, debate, and vote.”

Kirt continues her appointment on the Legislative Office of Fiscal Transparency (LOFT) Oversight Committee. She will also continue as a co-chair of the Mental Health Caucus, co-chair of the Women’s Caucus and member of the Early Childhood Caucus.


For more information, contact:

Sen. Julia Kirt at 405-521-5636 or