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Hamilton’s bill to increase poll worker pay passes Senate Judiciary Committee

OKLAHOMA CITY – The Senate Judiciary Committee met on Tuesday and unanimously passed Senate Bill 290, which would increase pay for election day poll workers.

“This is a much needed and much deserved pay raise for our dedicated poll workers who often work over 13 hours on election day,” Hamilton said, “I am so appreciative of those who take their time and carry out this important patriotic and civic duty. I hope increasing their compensation will help retain the poll workers we have and encourage more Oklahomans to participate.”  

SB 290 would increase election inspector pay from $110 to $225 and pay for judges and clerks who volunteer at polling locations would be increased from $100 to $200.

“We have seen shortages of poll workers across the state, resulting in long lines at polling places. Once again, the hope with this pay increase is that it will encourage more people to become poll workers. These individuals are so important to our election process, ensuring safe and secure state elections,” Hamilton said.

The estimated fiscal impact of this measure is just over $1.6 million. SB 290 has been referred to the Appropriations Committee for further consideration.


For more information, contact: Sen. Warren Hamilton at 405-521-5604, or email