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Gore students, superintendent and principals attend Gov. Fallin’s State of the State address

Gore was well represented at the State Capitol this week with several people visiting for the governor’s state of the state address on Monday and for Rose Day on Wednesday, according to State Senator Mark Allen, R-Spiro.

Gore Upper Elementary 8th grade honor student Aspyn Cearley and Gore Lower Elementary 5th grade Character Council President Madison Gourd were accompanied by Gore school superintendent Lucky McCrary, High School/Upper Elementary Principal Beverly Robison and Lower Elementary Principal Tonya Pugh as special guests of Gov. Mary Fallin for her state of the state address on Monday. 

The governor’s invitation was extended to the school administrators and students in recognition of Gore’s outstanding academic performance under the recently implemented A-F grading system.  The system, which serves as a guide for parents and school district patrons to gauge how well individual districts are doing, was created to help districts across the state identify where they should focus on improvements and adjustments.  In her speech, the governor specifically recognized Gore schools for their notable progress from 2013 to 2015 and commended them for keeping their focus on positive improvements.

“Gore schools can be proud of the accomplishments and the accolades they’ve earned,” said Allen.   “To be invited to the state of the state address as guests of the governor is an outstanding honor.  They deserve this recognition and I’m looking forward to seeing Gore’s schools continue to excel.  I would also like to congratulate Gore schools on the addition of the new FFA building.”

Also visiting the Capitol this week for Rose Day were Gore residents W.J. Pete Bennett, Barbara Demler and Pastor Doug Bane. 

“I appreciate the effort many people from our district make to stay connected to state government,” said Allen.  “Their input is valued and respected, and I always welcome visitors to my office when they’re visiting the Capitol.”


State Senator Mark Allen welcomes Gore Superintendent Lucky McCrary, 8th grade honor student, Aspyn Cearley and 5th grade student, Madison Gourd to the State Capitol on Monday, February 1, 2016.  The group attended the state of the state address as special guests of Gov. Mary Fallin.