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Democratic Leader extends thanks to Oklahoma National Guard members

OKLAHOMA CITY – Members of the Legislature met in joint session on Tuesday as part of their annual recognition of the Oklahoma National Guard.  Senate Democratic Leader Kay Floyd extended her thanks to the more than 8,600 men and women who serve, and to those who have served since before Oklahoma officially entered the union.

“Their service comes at tremendous personal sacrifice, and yet our National Guard was ranked second in the nation for recruiting last month,” said Floyd, D-Oklahoma City.  “The message I want to extend today is that efforts to support our troops transcend party lines – we are united and stand with our military members.  Their service has saved lives, and they’ve defended our freedoms around the world.”

Floyd noted while Oklahoma guard members have fought for this country in conflicts before statehood as well as the World Wars, Korea, the War on Terror and more, they’ve also helped their fellow citizens in response to disasters across the country and right here in Oklahoma.

“As we approach the anniversary of the Murrah Bombing on April 19, and prepare for what are usually our most dangerous weeks of tornado season, as well as wildfires, all Oklahomans should be mindful of everything our guard members do to serve their fellow citizens,” Floyd said.  “For those nearly 1,300 members who are about to be deployed for a year in Africa, and for those who will be here, ready to assist should their fellow Oklahomans need them in times of disaster, we are incredibly grateful for your service and sacrifice.”


Contact: Democratic Leader Kay Floyd
Capitol: (405) 521-5610