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Deevers Rebukes RNC Platform Committee for Abandoning Christian Values

OKLAHOMA CITY – The Republican National Committee's (RNC) platform committee adopted their 2024 platform on Monday, with their recommendations set to go before the full convention in the coming days. Notably, the opposition to abortion and support for a Christian definition of marriage present in previous platforms were removed. Senator Dusty Deevers, R-Elgin, issued the following statement condemning the committee and calling on RNC delegates to amend the committee’s recommendations at the convention next week.

“As a Republican State Senator, my intention is to represent my people well and be faithful to the King of kings, Jesus Christ. These two things are never in conflict. Rather, they necessarily go together. I represent my people best when I champion the integrity and moral values taught in God’s Word.

“The RNC platform committee’s decision to remove from the platform Christian values regarding abortion and marriage is a reprehensible attack on God’s Word, preborn children, and the Christians who have shed blood, sweat, and tears for the party because they believed it would fight for their values. Nothing is done that is not before the face of God and He will hold accountable those responsible for conspiring to secularize the Republican Party.

“Contrary to the short-sighted calculations of establishment consultants in the beltway who have given us nothing but perpetual failure, Republicans will not benefit from abandoning the moral values that make our party attractive to Christians. Across the pond, the Tories found out last week what happens when an ostensibly conservative party refuses to conserve anything as they were utterly wiped out in the elections because of demoralized voters staying home or joining right-wing third parties. That is likely our fate if we do not correct our course as Republicans and rediscover our backbones.

“While big money interests and bought-and-paid-for politicians would love for Republicans to concede the culture war to the left so that children will be murdered, mutilated, and debauched, the grassroots–those who make up the party, who faithfully show up to county meetings, who petition their representatives, who knock doors, who vote Republican–will always stand against abortion and for marriage as God defines it.

“I would be remiss if I did not mention the pitiful response to the proposed new platform from the Pro-Life Establishment. SBA Pro-Life America celebrated the new GOP platform, saying, “The platform allows us to provide the winning message to 10 million voters.” What kind of activist organization watches their cause be completely disregarded by the GOP establishment and responds, "Thank you"? If you do not think your efforts were of much value, at least show some respect to all the fixed-income, pro-life grandparents donating to the cause you ostensibly are fighting for.

“Those steering the RNC appear content to concede to the left on the most important moral issues of our day, but Oklahoma Republicans stand firm for the abolition of abortion. Our platform calls for ‘the abolition of abortion [to] be brought to a full floor vote in the Oklahoma Legislature,’ and ‘a U.S. Constitutional Amendment protecting the life of the innocent unborn.’ Regarding marriage, our platform calls for ‘a U.S. Constitutional Amendment defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman.’

“I urge all RNC delegates, especially those from Oklahoma, to reject the platform adopted by the committee and work to amend it such that it calls for abortion’s abolition and marriage to be defined as the union of one man with one woman.”


For more information, contact: Sen. Dusty Deevers at 405-521-5567 or email