R. T. Foster
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

R. T. Foster, winner of Oklahoman's 1987 and 1991 Waterfowl stamp, is known for his acrylic, pencil and watercolor paintings. The wide-ranging subjects of his paintings vary from historical aviation to Civil War battle scenes, from portraits to North American wildlife, and much more.
The versatile self-taught artist began his professional career by doing freelance artwork and is currently employed as a visual information specialist at Tinker Air Force Base. Some of his larger aviation murals are on permanent exhibit at Warner Robins AFB, Wright Patterson Air Logistics Headquarters, the Oklahoma Air and Space Museum, and Tinker AFB. In 1995, he was proud to be selected to design and draw the Arts Festival of Oklahoma poster.
R.T.'s tribute to President George Bush's Air Group 51, "The Last Full Measure," as well as a B-29 tribute "Night Over Nagoya" are in several aviation museums across the country, including the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum, the San Diego Museum and others. R. T. Foster served 2-1/2 tours in Vietnam, one with the First Marine Air Wing. He lives in Oklahoma City with his wife and three daughters.