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Week In Review

Monday, May 14 to Thurs, May 18, 2012

Monday, May 14

• The Senate approved the following bills on Monday:

-SR 62 by Sen. Clark Jolley, affirms Oklahoma’s support for marriage between one man and one woman.

-HJR 1112 by Rep. Jerry McPeak, approves permanent rules at the State Board of Cosmetology.

-SB 1865 by Sen. John Ford, removes legislative authorization for the budget of the Oklahoma Board of Private Vocational Schools.

-SB 1131 by Sen. Patrick Anderson, updates language regarding county assessors in Oklahoma.

-SB 1108 by Sen. Patrick Anderson, creates the Council of Bond Oversight.

-HB 2230 by Rep. George Faught, extends the sunset for the Oklahoma Liquefied Petroleum Gas Research, Marketing and Safety Commission.

-SB 138 by Sen. Roger Ballenger, creates space on state drivers licenses and identification cards for veterans.

• Senate GCCA advanced the following measures Monday:

-SB 132 by Sen. Ron Justice, states that retirement benefits received by an individual from the Armed Forces that do not exceed 100 percent of the benefits or $12,000 will be exempt from income taxes.

-HB 2684 by Rep. Gary Banz, defines certain conditions for support personnel.

-SB 456 by Sen. Mike Mazzei, excludes union master payouts paid by the buyer of facility to individuals employed by the facility from payroll considerations for qualified manufacturing facilities and ad valorem exemptions.

-SB 1235 by Sen. Mike Mazzei, modifies definitions and provides dismissal from OK Quality Jobs Program Act if second payment claim is not filed within two years of the most recent claim.

-SB 1464 by Sen. Brian Bingman, adds definitions for certain areas of the Oklahoma Quality Jobs Program.

-SB 1336 by Sen. Cliff Branan, modifies the date that administrators shall notify Tax Commission for below maintenance level requirements of the Petroleum Storage Tank Indemnity Fund.

-HB 2390 by Rep. Guy Liebmann, allows costs incurred as a result of releases from state or federally owned storage tank systems to be reimbursed by the Oklahoma Petroleum Storage Tank Indemnity Fund.

-HB 2391 by Rep. Guy Liebmann, alters the apportionment of motor fuel assessment revenues.

• The House met Monday, approving the following measures:

-HB 3148 by Rep. Kris Steele, codifies prior versions of Oklahoma statutes.

-HB 3055 by Rep. Kris Steele, creates the Water for 2060 Act.

-HB 3049 by Rep. Mike Sanders, restricts aggravated sex offenders from living with a minor child.

• House GCCA took no action on Monday.

Tuesday, May 15

• The Senate approved the following measures on Tuesday:

-SR 63 by Sen. Brian Bingman, thanks Sen. Judy Eason McIntyre for her service in the Oklahoma Legislature.

-SCR 40 by Sen. Judy Eason McIntyre, designates May 15, 2012, as Breast Cancer Awareness Day in Oklahoma.

-HB 2192 by Rep. Jason Murphey, requires that an application for attorney fees for services performed on appeal be made to the appellate court by separate motion filed any time before issuance of mandate and removing language allowing it to be filed in the applicant’s brief on appeal.

-SB 1196 by Sen. Sean Burrage, increases the amount that may be recovered under small claims procedures.

-SR 59 by Sen. Josh Brecheen, recognizes May 15, 2012, as Choctaw Nation Day at the Capitol.

-SR 61 by Sen. David Holt, commemorates the centennial of Jim Thorpe’s gold medal-winning performances at the 1912 Olympics.

• Senate GCCA advanced the following measures Tuesday:

-SB 1230 by Sen. Mike Mazzei, modifies and eliminates certain tax credits, deductions, and exemptions granted by the state of Oklahoma.

• The House approved the following bills Tuesday:

-HJR 1113 by Rep. Jason Nelson, approves permanent rules of the Department of Human Services.

• House GCCA advanced the following measures Tuesday:

-HB 1979 by Rep. Anastasia Pittman, creates the Oklahoma Freedom Trail Act.

-HB 2510 by Rep. Ann Coody, prohibits a person from claiming a sales tax exemption granted for a not-for-profit organizations in order to make a purchase exempt from sales tax for personal use.

-HB 2523 by Rep. Steve Martin, modifies requirements for fishing licenses.

-HB 2659 by Rep. Fred Jordan, requires fees from the Oklahoma Uniform Building Code Commission to be remitted thirty days after the end of the calendar month.

-HB 2273 by Rep. Doug Cox, authorizes the Oklahoma Health Care Authority to pay specified professional expenses.

-HB 2242 by Rep. Lee Denney, requires the license fee of a wrecker or tow vehicle to be based on the gross weight of the wrecker or tow vehicle alone without any inclusion of weight for a vehicle towed by the wrecker or tow vehicle.

Wednesday, May 16

• The Senate met Wednesday, approving the following measures:

-SB 1055 by Sen. Steve Russell, modifies language related to the unlawful act of transferring any shotgun, rifle or pistol to any person who is under an adjudication of mental incompetency.

-SB 1192 by Sen. Mike Schulz, modifies language related to the Airspace Severance Restriction Act.

-SB 1247 by Sen. Jonathan Nichols, removes language referring to the Department of Public Safety Revolving Fund.

-SR 64 by Sen. Brian Bingman and Sen. Sean Burrage, expresses gratitude to Sen. Jim Wilson for his service in the Oklahoma Legislature.

• Senate GCCA advanced the following measures Wednesday:

-SB 1533 by Sen. Clark Jolley, removes provisions that required facilities at or through which a combative sport’s closed circuit telecast is shown other than a cable system operator’s pay per view facilities to pay an assessment equal to 4 percent of the total gross receipts from the broadcast, excluding state or federal taxes.

-HB 2392 by Rep. Guy Liebmann, decreases from 12 to nine the membership of the Long-Range Capital Planning Commission.

-SB 1253 by Sen. Tom Ivester, adds language that grants discretion to the State Auditor and Inspector to audit state agencies.

-SB 1890 by Sen. Randy Bass, exempts state-owned vehicles from the motor vehicle excise tax and the motor vehicle rental tax.

-HB 1985 by Rep. Chuck Hoskin, provides that any veteran who meets the basic qualifications for a position be interviewed in person in order to allow the veteran to demonstrate any transferrable skills acquired in military service.

-HB 2520 by Rep. Jason Murphey, creates the Government Reorganization Act.

-HB 2647 by Rep. David Brumbaugh, requires leased vehicles, in addition to those owned by a state agency, to be affixed with the “State of Oklahoma” designation and adds leased vehicles to certain statutory references concerning vehicle operation.

-HB 2510 by Rep. Ann Coody, modifies language relating to sales tax exemptions.

• The House met Wednesday, approving several bills, including the following:

-HB 2391 by Rep. Guy Liebmann, modifies reapportionment of the 1 cent per gallon assessment on motor fuel used or consumed in the state.

-HB 2247 by Rep. George Faught, recreates the State Anatomical Board.

-HB 2319 by Rep. Randy McDaniel, authorizes the Oklahoma Police and Pension and Retirement System Board of Trustees to own and occupy the necessary office space as the board deems appropriate.

-HB 2367 by Rep. Lisa Billy, allows the Department of Public Safety to waive the written examination and driving examination for a motorcycle upon verification that the person has successfully completed a certified Motorcycle Safety Foundation rider course approved by DPS.

-HB 2390 by Rep. Guy Liebmann, modifies language related to the Petroleum Storage Tank Indemnity Fund.

-HB 2684 by Rep. Gary Banz, modifies the definition of “school personnel” as it relates to eligibility for benefits, including a full-time school employee who is employed a minimum of six hours per day for a minimum of 1,032 hours per year.

-HJR 1132 by Rep. Gary Banz, approves the Oklahoma Construction Industries Board’s permanent rules.

• House GCCA approved the following measures Wednesday:

-HB 2939 by Rep. David Derby, clarifies the duties of a state agency to keep, maintain and open to any person all records of the agency in compliance with the Oklahoma Open Records Act.

-HB 2714 by Rep. Mike Jackson, prohibits the Department of Commerce from entering a contract with a community action agency until the agency submits and the department approves a budget work program for the expenditure of funds.

-HB 3079 by Rep. Jason Murphey, changes references to the Office of State Finance to the Office of Management and Enterprise Services.

-HJR 1001 by Rep. David Dank, proposes a constitutional amendment increasing the gross household income limitations for homestead exemptions.

-HB 2647 by Rep. David Brumbaugh, requires leased vehicles, in addition to those owned by a state agency, to be affixed with the “State of Oklahoma” designation.

-HB 2991 by Rep. Mike Ritze, creates the Oklahoma State Government Vital Statistics Modernization Act.

-HB 3053 by Rep. Kris Steele, creates the Government Administrative Process Consolidation and Reorganization Reform Act.

Thursday, May 17

• The Senate approved the following measures Thursday:

-HJR 1098 by Rep. Gary Banz, approves permanent rules of the Oklahoma Accountancy Board.

-HJR 1123 by Rep. George Faught, approves permanent rules of the Insurance Department.

-HJR 1126 by Rep. Don Armes, approves the State Fire Marshal Commission’s permanent rules.

-SB 259 by Sen. Josh Brecheen, directs the Tourism and Recreation Department to develop and maintain a website and provide written information for the public available on location that allows the public to check water quality.

-SB 1001 by Sen. Gary Stanislawski, modifies language regarding the Oklahoma Law Enforcement Retirement System.

-SB 1588 by Sen. Don Barrington, allows the Oklahoma Firefighters Pension and Retirement and Retirement Board to permit the use of electronic media to provide applicable notices and make elections and consent.

-SB 1617 by Sen. Bill Brown, provides that the purpose and effect of the Unauthorized Insurers and Surplus Lines Insurance Act related to the effective date of implementation of the Non-admitted and Reinsurance Reform Act of 2010.

-SB 1743 by Sen. Steve Russell, creates the Landowner’s Hunting Freedom Act.

-HB 2319 by Rep. Randy McDaniel, authorizes the Oklahoma Police Pension and Retirement System Board of Trustees to own and occupy the necessary office space as the board deems appropriate.

-HB 2367 by Rep. Lisa Billy, allows the Department of Public Safety to waive the written examination and driving examination for a motorcycle upon verification that the person has successfully completed a certified Motorcycle Safety Foundation rider course approved by DPS.

-HB 3049 by Rep. Mike Sanders, makes it unlawful for a registered aggravated sex offender to reside with a minor child or establish any other living accommodation where a minor resides.

• Senate GCCA approved the following bills Thursday:

-SJR 52 by Sen. Mike Mazzei, proposes a constitutional amendment prohibiting intangible personal property from being subject to ad valorem tax.

-SB 1436 by Sen. Mike Mazzei, provides that corporations and others subject to the franchise tax shall pay an Oklahoma Business Activity Tax equal to the amount they were required to pay in 2010.

-HB 2563 by Rep. Paul Wesselhoft, modifies qualifications for the Native American Liaison.

-HB 2645 by Rep. David Brumbaugh, requires each member of the county excise tax board to attend and successfully complete a course of instruction consisting of at least six hours within 18 months of appointment for the first four years of service on the board and three hours of instruction for every four years of service after the expiration of the initial four-year period.

-HB 2676 by Rep. Jabar Shumate, directs the State Board of Education to establish the Oklahoma Bridge to Literacy Program.

-HB 2939 by Rep. David Derby, clarifies the duties of a state agency to keep, maintain and open to any person all records of the agency in compliance with the Oklahoma Open Records Act.

• The House met Thursday, approving several bills, including the following:

-HB 2921 by Rep. Phil Richardson, directs the provisions of the Pet Breeder Act of 2012 to be administered and supervised by the State Board of Agriculture.

-HB 2689 by Rep. Charles Joyner, modifies requirements for in-state tuition status.

-SJR 91 by Sen. Susan Paddack, approves permanent rules of the Department of Environmental Quality.

• House GCCA advanced the following measures Thursday:

-HB 3130 by directs that the Oklahoma Cost Accounting System adopted by the State Board of Education require school districts to report revenue and expenditures using program codes.

-HB 2978 by Rep. David Dank, requires the Oklahoma Department of Commerce to conduct a preapproval cost/benefit analysis to determine whether activity expected to result directly from the granting of a tax credit by the Oklahoma Tax Commission to a legal business entity would result in any estimated net direct state benefits.

-HB 2258 by Rep. Ben Sherrer, requires every contractor submitting a written bid on a public construction project offered for bid in the state to include written proof of their employer identification numbers issued by the Oklahoma Tax Commission, Oklahoma Employment Security Commission, Internal Revenue Service and the Social Security Administration.

-HB 2288 by Rep. Emily Virgin, expands the conditions under which a state employee may opt out of the basic health insurance plan.

-HB 2616 by Rep. Dennis Johnson, provides a sales tax exemption on the sale of durable medical equipment.

-HB 2741 by Rep. Ron Peters, modifies the legislative intent of the Oklahoma Juvenile Code.

-SB 1253 by Sen. Tom Ivester, grants discretion to the state auditor and inspector to audit state agencies.

-SB 1336 by Sen. Cliff Branan, requires the administrator of the Petroleum Storage Tank Indemnity Fund to notify the Oklahoma Tax Commission if the fund falls below the required maintenance level.

-SB 1464 by Sen. Brian Bingman, adds oil and gas drilling to the list of qualified industries under the Oklahoma Quality Jobs Programs Act.

-SB 1533 by Sen. Clark Jolley, states legislative intent to make an appropriation to the Oklahoma State Athletic Commission.

Friday, May 18

• The Senate approved the following measures Thursday:

-SCR 41 by Sen. Brian Bingman, establishes the legislative procedure schedule for the 54th Legislature.

-SR 58 by Sen. Mike Schulz, sets the duties of the President Pro Tempore during the 2012 legislative interim.

-HB 3148 by Rep. Kris Steele, adopts the 2011 Oklahoma statutes.

-HJR 1124 by Rep. Todd Thomsen, approves permanent rules of the Council on Law Enforcement Education and Training.

-SB 1943 by Sen. Patrick Anderson, modifies the effective date of SB 844.