Meeting Notice
Select Committee on Redistricting
Committee will meet at 10:30 am or after adjournment of session.
- SB1X By Treat et al of the Senate
State Senate districts; modifying date for certain candidacy requirements; fixing senate district lines; repealer. Emergency.
- SB2X By Treat et al of the Senate
County commissioner candidates; deadline for registered voter and residency requirements based on redistricting. Emergency.
- SB4X By Treat et al of the Senate
Elections; modifying application of certain reapportioned districts to certain elections. Emergency.
- SB5X By Treat et al of the Senate
Elections; specifying deadline for certain voter registration for candidates filing for certain offices for 2022 elections. Emergency.
- SB6X By Floyd et al of the Senate
Congressional Redistricting Act of 2021; repealers. Emergency.
- Other business