Meeting Notice
REVISED Public Safety
- SB40 By McIntosh et al of the Senate and Steagall of the House
Firearms; modifying provisions related to transporting firearms in motor vehicles. Effective date.
- SB123 By Burns of the Senate and Hardin of the House
Firearms; modifying scope of certain unlawful act. Effective date.
- SB461 By Hamilton of the Senate (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1739)
Crimes and punishments; removing certain references related to restricted bullets and body armor. Effective date.
- SB551 By Woods of the Senate
Crimes and punishment; modifying penalty provision related to child sexual abuse. Effective date.
- SB599 By Hamilton of the Senate
Crimes and punishments; modifying requirements for imposition of certain punishments for child sexual abuse. Effective date.
- SB675 By Jech of the Senate
Oklahoma Law Enforcement Telecommunication Systems Division; authorizing the Department of Public Safety to provide certain information to Oklahoma Turnpike Authority. Effective date.
- SB690 By Bergstrom of the Senate
Prisons and reformatories; authorizing certain attainment of earned credits. Effective date.
- SB766 By Hamilton of the Senate (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1752)
Office of Homeland Security; creating the Targeted Violence Prevention Act. Emergency.
- SB855 By Weaver of the Senate
Larceny; modifying value threshold for certain misdemeanor and felony offenses. Effective date.
- SB860 By Weaver of the Senate (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1639)
Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Act; adding certain substance to Schedule I. Effective date.
- SB1111 By Woods of the Senate
Cockfighting; modifying offenses and penalties. Effective date.
- Other business
Senator Darrell Weaver, Chair
Senator Warren Hamilton, Vice Chair