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Meeting Notice


Revenue and Taxation REVISED

Subject Revenue and Taxation
From Date
Time 1:30pm
Location Room 230


  1. SB38 By Coleman of the Senate and Pfeiffer of the House

Sales and use tax apportionment; modifying apportionment for Oklahoma Historical Society. Effective date. Emergency.

  1. SB45 By Rader of the Senate and Roberts of the House

Taxation; modifying qualifications and amount of claims for property tax relief. Effective date.

  1. SB236 By Haste of the Senate (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1723)

Income tax; providing credit to qualified employers for certain compensation paid and expenses incurred. Effective date.

  1. SB237 By Murdock of the Senate and Newton of the House (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1724)

Commissioners of Land Office; requiring payment to certain counties in lieu of ad valorem tax. Effective date.

  1. SB283 By Rader of the Senate

Oklahoma State System of Higher Education; expanding annual transaction limit of the master lease program. Effective date.

  1. SB474 By Rader of the Senate and Lawson of the House

Sales tax; permit requirement; sale for resale tax exemption. Effective date.

  1. SB582 By Rader of the Senate

State fiscal affairs; modifying fiscal years requiring estimated revenue collections. Effective date.

  1. SB583 By Rader of the Senate

Sales tax; expanding requirements for delinquent taxpayer to avoid closure. Effective date.

  1. SB957 By Alvord of the Senate and Lawson of the House (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1705)

Public finance; modifying investment procedures relating to local governments. Effective date. Emergency.

  1. SB1121 By Deevers et al of the Senate

Taxation; creating the Joint Interim Committee on the Elimination of Ad Valorem Taxes; prescribing duties and powers; requiring submission of report. Effective date.

  1. SB1124 By Sacchieri of the Senate (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1692)

Sinking funds; requiring levy sufficient for timely redemption; prohibiting issuance for certain period if redeemed below par. Effective date.

  1. Other business

Senator Dave Rader, Chair

Senator Dusty Deevers, Vice Chair