Meeting Notice
Revenue and Taxation 3RD REVISED
- Motion to authorize the Revenue and Taxation Committee Chair to initiate OSBI special background investigations of nominees for the Oklahoma Horse Racing Commission
- SB47 By Dossett of the Senate (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1638)
Taxation; modifying special license fee for coin-operated music and amusement devices. Effective date.
- SB48 By Rader of the Senate
Income tax; limiting certain capital gains deduction to certain tax years. Effective date.
- SB49 By Rader of the Senate and Lawson of the House
Sales tax; providing exemption for certain nonprofits preventing child abuse. Effective date.
- SB50 By Dossett of the Senate
Sales tax; exempting sales tax on purchase of gun safes and guns safety devices. Effective date.
- SB59 By Rader of the Senate and Schreiber of the House
Sales tax; providing exemption for certain organization providing clothing or supplies to certain students. Effective date.
- SB102 By Rader of the Senate and Tedford of the House
Income tax; excluding certain compensation to certain nonresidents. Effective date.
- SB232 By Rader of the Senate
Sales tax; modifying exemption for certain film production; providing exemption for construction of certain media production facility. Effective date.
- SB287 By Pugh of the Senate and Miller et al of the House
Income tax; modifying tax years for aerospace tax credit. Effective date.
- SB289 By Pugh of the Senate
Sales tax; exemptions for governmental and nonprofit entities; modifying period of exemption for certain museums. Emergency.
- SB300 By Kirt of the Senate
Oklahoma Capital Investment Board; dissolving Board upon certain date; transferring certain contracts and management of certain investments to certain board. Effective date.
- SB301 By Hall of the Senate
Income tax; modifying credit limit for certain institute in certain tax years. Effective date.
- SB302 By Rader of the Senate
State fiscal affairs; creating the Oklahoma Law Enforcement Legacy Fund; making an appropriation. Effective date. Emergency.
- SB303 By Stanley of the Senate and Pae of the House
Ad valorem tax; claims for property tax relief; authorizing claim for certain disabled service members and first responders. Effective date.
- SB307 By Rader of the Senate
State fiscal affairs; creating the Oklahoma Teachers Legacy Fund. Effective date. Emergency.
- SB475 By Prieto of the Senate
Income tax credit; requiring the Oklahoma Tax Commission to verify if certain credit has been claimed for motor vehicle. Effective date.
- SB577 By Rader of the Senate
Ad valorem tax; requiring submission of certain information for eligibility of certain exemption; requiring the Oklahoma Tax Commission to share information with the Incentive Evaluation Commission. Effective date.
- SB681 By Jech of the Senate
Ad valorem tax; requiring notice of valuation increase to include information on limitation of fair cash value. Effective date.
- SB687 By Hall of the Senate (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1680)
Sales tax exemption; requiring rebate for qualifying broadband equipment to be paid from special account; making appropriation. Effective date.
- SB689 By Hall of the Senate
Ad valorem tax; modifying payroll requirement for certain industry. Effective date. Emergency.
- SB736 By Deevers of the Senate (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1659)
Revenue and taxation; creating the Health Care Sharing Ministry Tax Parity Act; stating certain deduction and procedures; requiring Oklahoma Tax Commission to create forms and guidelines. Effective date.
- SB820 By Boren of the Senate
Oklahoma Five Major Sports Leagues Rebate Program Act; expanding sports leagues eligible for incentives. Effective date.
- SB1117 By Stewart of the Senate
Income tax; modifying definition of qualified project for economic development and infrastructure expenditures credit. Effective date.
- Other business