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Meeting Notice


Public Safety 3RD REVISED

Subject Public Safety
From Date
Time 10:00am
Location Room 230



1. SB39 By Daniels of the Senate

Oklahoma Self-Defense Act; modifying elements of eligibility for medical marijuana license holders. Effective date.

2. SB54 By Weaver of the Senate (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1746)

Motor vehicles; modifying scope and sentencing provisions for certain offenses. Effective date.

3. SB65 By Weaver of the Senate and Turner of the House

Controlled dangerous substances; authorizing destruction of certain substances by certain individuals. Effective date.

4. SB84 By Sacchieri of the Senate and CrosswhiteHader of the House

Firearms; modifying provisions related to storage of a firearm on certain property. Effective date.

5. SB124 By Burns et al of the Senate and Hardin of the House

Firearms; disallowing regulation of certain firearm suppressors. Effective date.

6. SB216 By Bergstrom of the Senate (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1709)

Offenders; providing extension of certain driver licenses under certain circumstances. Effective date. Emergency.

7. SB444 By Rader of the Senate

Controlled dangerous substances; authorizing certain disposal of substances in accordance with federal law; removing certain limitations. Effective date.

8. SB462 By Weaver of the Senate (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1681)

Municipal police officers; authorizing retired municipal police officer to retain firearm and badge. Effective date.

9. SB500 By Murdock of the Senate

Firearms; prohibiting certain contracts with governmental entities. Effective date.

10. SB513 By Bergstrom of the Senate

Oklahoma Riot Control and Prevention Act; prohibiting certain entities from taking certain actions and authorizing certain activity during state of emergency. Effective date.

11. SB524 By Weaver of the Senate (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1628)

Firearms; authorizing concealed carry by certain persons at polling places. Effective date.

12. SB544 By Wingard of the Senate and Kerbs of the House

Identification documents; modifying certain authority and authorizing certain agreements between Department of Public Safety and Service Oklahoma. Emergency.

13. SB628 By Gillespie of the Senate and Hildebrant of the House (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1731)

Firearms; modifying provisions related to unlawful carry. Effective date.

14. SB634 By Kern et al of the Senate (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1606)

Impaired Driving Prevention Advisory Committee; adding certain members. Effective date.

15. SB636 By Alvord of the Senate and West (Kevin) of the House

Firearms; prohibiting certain expenditure of public funds. Effective date.

16. SB742 By Gollihare of the Senate

Firearms; modifying scope of applicability related to lawful carry. Effective date.

17. SB768 By Bullard of the Senate and Shaw of the House

Firearms; authorizing licensed first responders to carry while performing official duties. Effective date.

18. SB861 By Weaver of the Senate

Crimes and punishments; gang-related offenses; modifying reference to certain offense. Effective date.

19. SB865 By Murdock et al of the Senate and Newton of the House

Public safety; creating the Oklahoma Public Safety and Immigration Enforcement Act. Effective date. Emergency.

20. SB871 By Reinhardt of the Senate (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1738)

Crimes and punishments; modifying penalty provisions related to eluding peace officers. Effective date.

21. SB887 By Jett of the Senate

Inmates; creating the Secure Pre-Integration Pilot Program. Effective date.

22. SB945 By Guthrie of the Senate

Crimes and punishments; relating to animal cruelty; creating misdemeanor and felony offenses; modifying scope and penalty of certain felony offense. Effective date.

23. Other business