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Meeting Notice


Local and County Government

Subject Local and County Government
From Date
Time 2:30pm
Location Room 535


1.             SB898 By Pugh of the Senate

Construction by political subdivisions; removing requirement for certain bidders to provide written statement under oath. Emergency.

2.             SB400 By Coleman of the Senate and Luttrell of the House

Cities and towns; allowing municipalities to declare certain buildings as unoccupied. Effective date.

3.             SB466 By Alvord et al of the Senate and Cantrell of the House

County officers; modifying certain salary cap. Effective date.

4.             SB148 By Gollihare of the Senate (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1604)

State Fire Marshal; allowing submission to certain approved entities for building plan review. Emergency.

5.             Other business