Meeting Notice
Local and County Government
1. SB961 By Bullard of the Senate
County clerks; requiring certain notification by county clerk. Effective date.
2. SB563 By Haste of the Senate
County employee leave; authorizing board of county commissioners to develop certain leave policy; allowing county employees to use leave to serve as certain election officials. Effective date.
3. SB651 By Stanley of the Senate
Cities and towns; creating the Municipal Parking Benefit District Act. Effective date.
4. SB1091 By Weaver of the Senate
Dual office-holding; adding exemption for law enforcement officers serving in certain offices. Effective date.
5. SB935 By Jett of the Senate
Counties; creating the Citizen Access to County Facilities Act. Effective date.
6. SB468 By Alvord of the Senate
County assessors; requiring municipalities in certain counties to submit certain permit to county assessors. Effective date.
7. SB403 By Stewart of the Senate
County purchasing; modifying duties of county purchasing agent related to bidders. Effective date.
8. SB739 By Stewart of the Senate
Construction contracts; prohibiting certain entities from withholding retainage for certain contracts. Effective date.
9. SB752 By Stewart of the Senate
County purchasing; authorizing county purchasing agents to establish online bidding process with certain vendors. Effective date. Emergency.
10. SB538 By Deevers of the Senate
Special elections; modifying date when certain special elections may be conducted. Effective date. Emergency.
11. SB779 By McIntosh of the Senate
County officials; creating the Volunteer County Emergency Response Corps Act. Effective date.
12. SB347 By Hicks of the Senate
Cities and towns; restricting certain municipal powers. Effective date.
13. Other business
Senator Warren Hamilton, Chair
Senator George Burns, Vice Chair
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