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Meeting Notice


Joint Committee on Pandemic Relief Funding

Subject Joint Committee on Pandemic Relief Funding
From Date
Time 1:30pm
Location Room 535


  1. Call to Order
  2. Determination of Quorum
  3. Opening Remarks from Chairmen
  4. Update from Health and Human Services Working Group
  5. Update from Education and Economic Development
  6. Update from Transportation, Infrastructure and Rural Development
  7. Update from Government Transformation and Collaboration
  8. Discussion and possible action obligation of Nonprofit Relief Program Funds balance
  9. Discussion and possible action Food Insecurity Grant Program
  10. Discussion and possible action Mobile Dental Units
  11. Discussion and possible action of Muskogee Levee Project balance
  12. Discussion and possible action Tribal Water Match
  13. Other Business
  14. Closing Remarks
  15. Adjournment