Meeting Notice
Health and Human Services
- SB202 By Daniels of the Senate
Medicaid; modifying eligibility requirements for self-funded or self-insured health care plan to participate in certain premium assistance program. Effective date.
- SB56 By Gollihare of the Senate
Home care; directing Oklahoma Health Care Authority to establish certain family caregiver reimbursement program. Effective date. Emergency.
- SB424 By Gillespie of the Senate
Community health workers; creating the Oklahoma Community Health Worker Act; providing for voluntary certification. Effective date.
- SB669 By Gillespie of the Senate
Practice of dentistry; modifying various provisions of the State Dental Act. Effective date.
- SB545 By Bergstrom of the Senate
Massage therapy; transferring certain powers and duties to the Board of Chiropractic Examiners; establishing and modifying certain licensure requirements. Effective date.
- SB633 By Weaver of the Senate
Oklahoma Juvenile Code; authorizing certain persons access to certain confidential records and reports. Effective date.
- SB880 By Grellner of the Senate
Practice of alcohol and drug counseling; eliminating certain educational requirement for membership on the Board of Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselors. Emergency.
- SB547 By Guthrie of the Senate (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1609)
Health care; modifying applicability of certain self-consent authorization for minors; granting certain protections to parent or legal guardian. Effective date.
- SB770 By Hines of the Senate
Rehabilitation services; expanding membership of the Commission for Rehabilitation Services. Emergency.
- SB522 By Coleman of the Senate
Medical marijuana; promulgating certain Advisory Council to establish certain task force; requiring certain final report. Effective date.
- SB667 By Coleman of the Senate
Chiropractors; requiring use of licensure portals; modifying certain licensing requirements; modifying requirements for notification of disapproval. Effective date.
- SB804 By Pugh of the Senate
Long-term care; requiring employment of certain professionals in specified circumstances; requiring assisted living centers to establish internal quality assurance committee. Effective date.
- SB805 By Pugh of the Senate
Professions and occupations; enacting the Dietitian Licensure Compact and authorizing the Governor to enter into Compact with certain jurisdictions. Effective date.
- SB903 By Rosino of the Senate and Stinson of the House
State Medicaid program; adding member to the Advisory Committee on Medical Care for Public Assistance Recipients. Effective date.
- Other business
Senator Paul Rosino, Chair
Senator Brenda Stanley, Vice Chair