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Meeting Notice


Health and Human Services

Subject Health and Human Services
From Date
Time 1:30pm
Location Room 535



1.             SB658 By Daniels of the Senate

Oklahoma Children's Code; prohibiting certain actions by the Department of Human Services in relation to adoptive and foster parents. Effective date.


2.             SB740 By Daniels of the Senate

Mental health; modifying certain definitions. Effective date.


3.             SB423 By Rader of the Senate and Caldwell (Chad) of the House

Medical records; eliminating certain health care provider duties; authorizing certain fee; providing certain penalties and remedies. Effective date.


4.             SB251 By Gollihare of the Senate

Mental health and substance abuse services; expanding types of services that qualify for certain funds; establishing certain minimum allocation. Effective date. Emergency.


5.             SB194 By Murdock of the Senate

Public assistance programs; requiring the Department of Human Services to opt into and administer Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer program. Effective date.


6.             SB891 By Murdock of the Senate

Kratom products; modifying certain definitions. Effective date.


7.             SB452 By Weaver of the Senate

Definitions and general provisions; creating the Blythe Ashley Harland Act; designating Dwarfism Awareness Day. Effective date.


8.             SB405 By Alvord of the Senate

County officers; authorizing county commissioners to work with ambulance service districts for certain purpose. Effective date.


9.             SB207 By Woods et al of the Senate

Public health; establishing the Oklahoma Rare Disease Advisory Council; modifying requirements relating to newborn screening program; creating certain revolving fund. Effective date. Emergency.


10.          SB113 By Dossett of the Senate

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program; modifying and adding resources exempt from resource determination criteria. Effective date. Emergency.


11.          SB443 By Stanley of the Senate

Practice of medicine; modifying certain powers and duties of the Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision; modifying certain licensure requirements. Effective date. Emergency.


12.          SB904 By Rosino of the Senate and Archer of the House

State Medicaid program; modifying various provisions relating to nursing facility incentive reimbursement. Effective date. Emergency.


13.          Other business



Senator Paul Rosino, Chair

Senator Brenda Stanley, Vice Chair




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