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Meeting Notice


General Government REVISED

Subject General Government
From Date
Time 2:00pm
Location Room 230



  1. HB1010 By West (Rick) of the House and Hamilton of the Senate

Central Purchasing Act; allowing certain state entities to make certain purchases; documentation; effective date.

  1. HB1105 By McCall of the House and Daniels of the Senate

Initiative and referendum; filing and signature gathering of petitions; fee; providing for reimbursement; protests; effective date.

  1. HB3113 By Gann et al of the House and Hamilton of the Senate

Public finance; budget work programs; requiring executive officer to certify agency compliance with certain requirements; effective date.

  1. HB3284 By Hilbert of the House and Hall of the Senate

Public finance; State Governmental Technology Applications Review Board; requiring Board to approve rates set or changed; effective date.

  1. HB3285 By Hilbert et al of the House and Seifried of the Senate

[State government; call back; requiring call back option for entities using toll free numbers; effective date.]

  1. HB3511 By Johns et al of the House and Jech of the Senate

[Elections; special elections; modifying timelines for certain elections; effective date.]

  1. HB3643 By Boatman of the House and Jech of the Senate

Records; record-keeping activities; exempt groups; destruction of nonrecord materials; storage procedures; media; record disposition; definitions; repeal; microfilm maintenance and supplies; effective date.

  1. HB3693 By Culver of the House and Stephens of the Senate

Amusements and sports; Amusements and Sports Act of 2024; noncodification; effective date.

  1. HB3717 By O'Donnell et al of the House and Daniels of the Senate

[Elections; voter registration card; proof of identity; photograph; effective date.]

  1. HB3762 By Cantrell of the House and Stewart of the Senate

Counties and county officers; multi-county library systems; county commissioners; accounting; presentation; effective date.

  1. HB3768 By Cantrell of the House and Stewart of the Senate

Delinquent taxes; resale property fund; operating expenses; county treasurer's office; effective date.

  1. HB3828 By Alonso-Sandoval et al of the House and Rader of the Senate

[State government; Office of Management and Enterprise Services; artificial intelligence; Administrative Office of the Courts; inventory; procedures; effective date.]

  1. HB3838 By Pittman of the House and Kidd of the Senate

Oklahoma Historical Society; Office of Tribal Relations; format; material; sources; deliver; effective date.

  1. HB4067 By Wallace of the House and Hall of the Senate

State property; Maintenance of State Buildings Revolving Fund; Legacy Capital Financing Fund; liquidation proceeds; effective date.

  1. Other business