Meeting Notice
General Government REVISED
Interim Study 2024-039
Gatekeepers-How to ensure boards and commissions meet their statutory obligation to act in the public's best interest
Requestors: Senator Julie Daniels & Representative John Kane
1:00 - 3:30
- Regina Burchum, Interim Director, Legislative Office of Fiscal Transparency
- Mike Davis, Legal Analyst, Legislative Office of Fiscal Transparency
- Chad Ellis, PhD, Bartlesville
- Daniel Gamino, Daniel J. Gamino & Associates, P.C., General Counsel, State Board of Osteopathic Examiners
- Teanne Rose, Executive Director, State Board of Psychologists
- Steven Sternlof, PhD, Chair of the Board, State Board of Examiners of Psychologists
- Carolyn Thompson, Legislative Liaison, Office of Attorney General
- Elizabeth Fullbright, Lead Investigator, State Board of Osteopathic Examiners
- Richard L. Zimmer, CMBI, Senior Investigator, State Board of Osteopathic Examiners
- Sandra Benischek Harrison, Interim Executive Director, Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision
- Susan Rogers, Esq., Executive Director, State Board of Dentistry
- Preston Draper, General Counsel, Council on Law Enforcement Education and Training
- Other business
Senator Jessica Garvin, Chair
Senator Jack Stewart, Vice Chair