Meeting Notice
Energy and Telecommunications REVISED
- HB2197 By Lowe (Dick) of the House and Paxton of the Senate
[Waters and water rights; creating the Waters and Water Rights Modernization Act; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date.]
- HB3050 By Boles of the House and Green of the Senate
Petroleum storage tanks; modifying time frame for appeal; removing certain statutory references; effective date.
- HB3194 By Newton of the House and Howard of the Senate
Water and water rights; metering of wells; measuring requirements; data; groundwater usage report; effective date.
- HB3288 By Hilbert et al of the House and Rogers of the Senate
Oklahoma Conservation Commission; Arkansas River Levee Projects Revolving Fund; revenues; expenditures; effective date; emergency.
- HB3534 By Boles et al of the House and Paxton of the Senate
Oil and gas; modifying surety amount and types; effective date.
- HB3863 By Ford et al of the House and Thompson (Kristen) of the Senate
Utilities; exemptions; determination; effective date.
- HB4065 By Wallace et al of the House and Paxton of the Senate
Utilities; definitions; electric utilities; public utilities; exemptions from definitions; emergency.
- HB4095 By Caldwell (Trey) et al of the House and Paxton of the Senate
Underground Facilities Damage Prevention Act; definitions; notice; meeting request; effective date.
- Other business