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Meeting Notice


Education REVISED

Subject Education REVISED
From Date
Time 10:00am
Location Room 535


  1. SB62 By Bergstrom of the Senate

Schools; prohibiting school districts from making school employee payroll deductions for certain dues and contributions. Effective date. Emergency.

  1. SB365 By Burns of the Senate

Schools; authorizing the State Board of Education to promulgate rules regarding the issuance and revocation of certificates for head coaches. Effective date. Emergency.

  1. SB387 By Seifried of the Senate

Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology; modifying definition of eligible student. Effective date.

  1. SB388 By Seifried of the Senate and Kane of the House

Students; authorizing students enrolled in charter and virtual charter schools to participate in certain extracurricular activities. Effective date. Emergency.

  1. SB508 By Jett of the Senate

Schools; making certain whistleblower protections applicable to support employees. Effective date. Emergency.

  1. SB514 By Bergstrom of the Senate

Alternative education; directing the statewide system of alternative education to include designated charter schools and virtual charter schools. Effective date. Emergency.

  1. SB553 By Pugh of the Senate (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1800)

Schools; providing exemption from obtaining new criminal history record check to certain persons. Effective date. Emergency.

  1. SB554 By Pugh of the Senate

Teachers; directing stipends, rather than salary increases, be provided to teachers with certain certificates. Effective date. Emergency.

  1. SB555 By Pugh of the Senate

Schools; creating the Education Regulatory Sandbox Program; providing purpose; providing for application process. Effective date. Emergency.

  1. SB705 By Pugh of the Senate (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1802)

Charter schools; renaming the Charter Schools Incentive Fund; directing the Statewide Charter School Board to transfer certain remaining balance. Effective date. Emergency.

  1. SB758 By Thompson et al of the Senate and Moore of the House (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1663)

Schools; allowing State Board of Education to approve use of virtual instruction. Emergency.

  1. SB796 By Pugh of the Senate

Higher education; prohibiting certain activities related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Effective date. Emergency.

  1. SB799 By Pederson et al of the Senate and Pae of the House (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1669)

Students; providing for certain communications between students and school personnel. Effective date. Emergency.

  1. SB841 By Pugh of the Senate and Hasenbeck of the House

Strong Readers Act; modifying use of Statewide Literacy Revolving Fund; modifying requirement for teacher preparation program students to complete certain training. Effective date. Emergency.

  1. SB951 By Murdock of the Senate (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1811)

Commissioners of the Land Office; requiring appraisal of improvements of certain property; requiring certain reimbursement; providing for termination of lease. Effective date. Emergency.

  1. SB1054 By Goodwin of the Senate and Lowe (Jason) of the House

Tulsa Reconciliation Education and Scholarship Program; modifying eligibility; removing certain eligibility criteria. Emergency.

  1. Other business

Senator Adam Pugh, Chair

Senator Ally Seifried, Vice Chair