Meeting Notice
Economic Development, Workforce and Tourism REVISED
1. SB254 By Dossett of the Senate
Paid family and medical leave; authorizing the Department of Labor to contract with a qualified third-party actuary for certain purpose. Effective date.
2. SB275 By Kirt of the Senate and Pae of the House (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1791)
Housing; creating the Oklahoma Workforce Housing Commission; authorizing the Oklahoma Housing Finance Agency to implement certain reports and plans for expansion of affordable housing. Effective date.
3. SB1090 By Thompson of the Senate (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1773)
Schools; creating the Oklahoma School Districts Carryover Investment Fund; providing exception for carryover penalty for State Aid. Effective date.
4. SB1095 By Thompson of the Senate and Osburn of the House
Credit sales; prohibiting charge of network fees and interchange fees on certain transactions. Effective date.
5. Other business