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Meeting Notice


Economic Development, Workforce and Tourism

Subject Economic Development, Workforce and Tourism
From Date
Time 1:30pm
Location Room 535


1.             SB121 By Burns of the Senate

State parks; transferring the Hugo Lake Park to the Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Department. Effective date.

2.             SB248 By Thompson of the Senate and Hill of the House

Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Department Revolving Fund; modifying designation of funds from monies derived from real property sales. Effective date.

3.             SB249 By Thompson of the Senate

Oklahoma Tourism Development Act; increasing cumulative inducement per year. Effective date.

4.             SB294 By Pugh of the Senate

State fiscal affairs; the Oklahoma Quick Action Closing Fund; excluding certain industry from eligibility to receive funds. Effective date.

5.             SB578 By Coleman of the Senate

Oklahoma Quality Events Incentive Act; extending date of effectiveness of act. Effective date. Emergency.

6.             SB662 By Pugh of the Senate

Workforce development; authorizing the Oklahoma Workforce Commission to implement certain programs. Effective date.

7.             SB663 By Pugh of the Senate

Workforce Coordination Revolving Fund; transferring power of fund to the Oklahoma Workforce Commission. Effective date. Emergency.

8.             Other business


Senator Kristen Thompson, Chair

Senator Bill Coleman, Vice Chair



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