Meeting Notice
Business and Insurance 2ND REVISED
- SB125 By Rader of the Senate
State-tribal gaming; modifying terms of certain Gaming Compact. Effective date.
- SB164 By Murdock of the Senate
Oklahoma Education Lottery Act; authorizing board of trustees to enter into agreements or contracts for the implementation of sports pools; promulgating rules; authorizing development of certain criteria; providing for licensing fees; creating the Sports Pools Fund. Effective date.
- SB335 By Green of the Senate and Archer of the House
Retail electric suppliers; prohibiting certain incentivization by suppliers to customers. Effective date. Emergency.
- SB272 By Dossett of the Senate
Alcoholic beverage license fees; establishing certain license fee. Effective date.
- SB638 By Daniels of the Senate
Unfair Sales Act; modifying definitions. Effective date.
- SB1031 By Daniels of the Senate and Moore of the House
Limited liability partnerships; modifying scope of applicability; clarifying definition for certain purposes. Effective date.
- SB24 By Coleman of the Senate
Retail spirits licensees; allowing for licensed premises to operate a specified distance outside of city limits. Effective date.
- SB344 By Coleman of the Senate
Alcoholic beverages; expanding exemption for offering certain inducements to a consumer for a sale of beer or wine. Effective date.
- SB465 By Coleman of the Senate
Alcoholic beverages; exempting certain organizations from certain number of licenses issued each year. Effective date. Emergency.
- SB585 By Coleman of the Senate (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1592)
Amusement and sports; state-tribal gaming; authorizing fees related to tribal administration of games; prescribing procedures for electing acceptance of supplements. Effective date.
- SB774 By Coleman of the Senate
Medical marijuana licenses; modifying certain identification number; requiring certain barcode. Effective date.
- SB112 By Bullard of the Senate (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1655)
Plumbing licenses; extending duration of license renewal. Effective date.
- SB157 By Bergstrom of the Senate (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1596)
State Board of Cosmetology and Barbering; requiring employment of certain position; establishing eligibility requirements. Effective date.
- SB559 By Bergstrom et al of the Senate
Funeral services licensing; permitting sales of merchandise without license. Effective date.
- SB518 By Alvord of the Senate and West (Kevin) of the House
Medical marijuana packaging; requiring certain labeling. Effective date.
- SB1039 By Alvord of the Senate
Medical marijuana license; modifying grounds for certain denials. Effective date.
- Other business
Senator Bill Coleman, Chair
Senator Jerry Alvord, Vice Chair