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Meeting Notice


Business and Insurance 2ND REVISED

Subject Business and Insurance
From Date
Time 9:30am
Location Room 535

REVISED TO ADD SB520, SB1066, CS1715 to SB531 & REMOVE SB533, SB986 & SB1025


1.             SB1034 By Coleman of the Senate

Alcoholic beverages; expanding certain exemption. Effective date.

2.             SB1046 By Coleman of the Senate and Lawson of the House (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1633)

Alcoholic beverages; establishing certain limits for licensure. Effective date.

3.             SB1094 By Coleman of the Senate

Alcoholic beverage licenses; allowing certain licensees to sell certain beverages for off-premise consumption. Effective date.

4.             SB1101 By Coleman of the Senate and Tedford of the House (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1668)

Dental insurance; specifying calculations for dental loss ratio; directing Insurance Commissioner to promulgate rules. Effective date.

5.             SB494 By Daniels of the Senate and Pae of the House (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1742)

State government; repealing provisions related to CompSource Oklahoma. Effective date.

6.             SB515 By Frix et al of the Senate and Schreiber of the House

Health insurance; authorizing health care provider to accept certain payments; requiring application of certain charge to deductible and maximum out-of-pocket expense. Effective date.

7.             SB729 By Frix of the Senate and Duel of the House

Oklahoma Consumer Protection Act; adding actions prohibited as unlawful practices. Effective date.

8.             SB1096 By Frix et al of the Senate and Tedford of the House

Health benefit plan legislation; prohibiting certain legislation. Effective date.

9.             SB378 By Gollihare of the Senate and Pfeiffer of the House

Bail bondsman; modifying certain reviewal fee. Effective date.

10.          SB521 By Gollihare of the Senate and Dobrinski of the House

Franchises; modifying definition; updating statutory reference. Effective date.

11.          SB973 By Gollihare of the Senate (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1820)

Debt collection; prohibiting certain contract with private debt collectors. Effective date.

12.          SB950 By Rosino et al of the Senate (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1749)

Alcoholic beverages; prohibiting certain sale. Effective date.

13.          SB641 By Paxton of the Senate

Unfair Claims Settlement Practices Act; construing provisions; updating statutory reference. Effective date.


14.          SB784 By Paxton of the Senate (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1819)

Motor vehicle repair; creating the Oklahoma Motor Vehicle Consumer Protection Act; requiring certain written consent for certain service work; directing Insurance Department to adjust certain maximum daily storage rates. Emergency.

15.          SB1036 By Rader of the Senate and Townley of the House

Ambulance service; requiring coverage for certain services. Effective date.

16.          SB726 By Reinhardt of the Senate

Insurance; providing certain exception. Effective date.

17.          SB95 By Seifried of the Senate and Archer of the House

Workers' compensation; amending definitions. Effective date.

18.          SB531 By Seifried of the Senate (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1715)

Alcoholic beverages; modifying requirements for information to be submitted to the ABLE Commission; modifying grounds for refusal of certain licenses; modifying persons prohibited from taking certain action. Effective date.

19.          SB751 By Stewart of the Senate

Architects; modifying certain construction value. Effective date.

20.          SB644 By Thompson of the Senate and Stinson of the House

Massage Therapy Practice Act; updating statutory language; providing exceptions for certain preemption. Effective date.

21.          SB160 By Weaver of the Senate

Construction industries; modifying certain membership; modifying certain training; modifying certain powers and duties of Commission; modifying certain fees. Effective date.

22.          SB1035 By Woods of the Senate

Construction licensing; limiting certain penalties. Effective date.

23.          SB1047 By McIntosh et al of the Senate and Newton of the House

Health insurance; requiring reimbursement for certain health care services. Effective date.

24.          SB520 By Coleman of the Senate and Marti of the House

Alcoholic beverage licenses; adding intent element to certain prohibited act. Effective date.

25.          SB1066 By Grellner of the Senate

Medical marijuana; requiring creation and maintenance of certain registry; providing certain requirements for listing on registry. Emergency.

26.          Other business