Meeting Notice
Appropriations REVISED
1. Receiving Budget Recommendations - General Government and Transportation, OMES-ARPA
2. SB49 By Rader of the Senate and Lawson of the House
Sales tax; providing exemption for certain nonprofits preventing child abuse. Effective date.
3. SB50 By Dossett of the Senate
Sales tax; exempting sales tax on purchase of gun safes and guns safety devices. Effective date.
4. SB122 By Haste of the Senate and Johns of the House
Weigh stations; directing deposit of certain monies in Weigh Station Improvement Revolving Fund. Effective date. Emergency.
5. SB212 By Seifried of the Senate (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1599)
[Teacher preparation; directing the Commission for Educational Quality and Accountability to establish TeachForwardOK. Effective date. Emergency.]
6. SB215 By Seifried of the Senate and Moore of the House (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1732)
[Mathematics instruction; creating the Oklahoma Math Achievement and Proficiency Act. Effective date. Emergency.]
7. SB248 By Thompson of the Senate and Hill of the House
Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Department Revolving Fund; modifying designation of funds from monies derived from real property sales. Effective date.
8. SB258 By Haste of the Senate and Miller of the House
Appropriations; making certain appropriations to the County Improvements for Roads and Bridges Fund. Effective date. Emergency.
9. SB265 By Murdock of the Senate and Newton of the House
Water and water rights; creating the Oklahoma Water Infrastructure Loan Program and Revolving Fund; stating Program and Fund purposes. Emergency.
10. SB574 By Haste of the Senate and Roe of the House
Attorney General; broadening approved purposes for opioid grant awards; authorizing certain use of funds by the Attorney General. Effective date.
11. SB652 By Paxton of the Senate and Osburn of the House (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1696)
Administration of elections; modifying permissible dates for certain elections; authorizing special elections called for certain purposes to be held on certain dates. Effective date.
12. SB831 By Rader of the Senate and Harris of the House
Election boards; increasing amount of per diem for members for certain meetings. Effective date.
13. Other business