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Meeting Notice


Appropriations 2ND REVISED

Subject Appropriations
From Date
Time 1:30pm
Location Room 535

REVISED TO ADD ITEM #1; CS1714 to SB92; REMOVE BILLS: SB91, SB139, SB164 and SB201


1.             Receiving Budget Recommendations - HHS

2.             SB56 By Gollihare of the Senate

Home care; directing Oklahoma Health Care Authority to establish certain family caregiver reimbursement program. Effective date. Emergency.

3.             SB85 By Weaver of the Senate and Caldwell (Trey) of the House

County jails; increasing reimbursement rate amount. Effective date.

4.             SB92 By Bullard of the Senate and Maynard of the House (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1714)

[Water and water rights; creating the Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Investment Program; making an appropriation. Effective date. Emergency.]

5.             SB125 By Rader of the Senate

State-tribal gaming; modifying terms of certain Gaming Compact. Effective date.

6.             SB130 By Burns of the Senate and Boles of the House (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1636)

Corporation Commission; directing Commission to conduct nuclear feasibility study; directing publishing and transmission of study by certain date; making an appropriation. Emergency.

7.             SB140 By Seifried of the Senate and Hasenbeck of the House

[Oklahoma Higher Learning Access Program; extending time period for eligible students to enter into participation; allowing exceptions to certain age limits. Effective date. Emergency.]

8.             SB207 By Woods et al of the Senate and West (Josh) of the House

Public health; establishing the Oklahoma Rare Disease Advisory Council; modifying requirements relating to newborn screening program. Effective date. Emergency.

9.             SB237 By Murdock of the Senate and Newton of the House (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1724)

Commissioners of Land Office; requiring payment to certain counties in lieu of ad valorem tax. Effective date.

10.          SB289 By Pugh of the Senate

[Sales tax; exemptions for governmental and nonprofit entities; modifying period of exemption for certain museums. Emergency.]

11.          SB359 By Coleman of the Senate

[Motor vehicles; allowing Service Oklahoma to provide a list of open recalls for vehicles with motor vehicle registration and notify certain vehicle owners. Effective date.]

12.          SB409 By Pugh of the Senate

[School year; requiring school to be in session for an additional day if certain appropriated amount is greater than the amount appropriated for the prior fiscal year. Effective date. Emergency.]

13.          SB687 By Hall of the Senate (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1680)

Sales tax exemption; requiring Oklahoma Broadband Office and Oklahoma Tax Commission to administer certain rebate program; clarifying rebate limit; creating the Oklahoma Broadband Rebate Revolving Fund; making an appropriation. Effective date. Emergency.

14.          SB820 By Boren of the Senate

[Oklahoma Five Major Sports Leagues Rebate Program Act; expanding sports leagues eligible for incentives. Effective date.]

15.          SB985 By Thompson et al of the Senate and Pfeiffer of the House

Agriculture; creating the Oklahoma Local Food for Schools Program; specifying purpose for program. Effective date.

16.          Other business