Meeting Notice
Aeronautics and Transportation
- SB1108 By Hall of the Senate
Service Oklahoma; transferring apportionment duties to Service Oklahoma. Effective date. Emergency.
- SB165 By Kirt of the Senate
Memorial bridges; designating the Donald Ray Ward Memorial Bridge. Effective date.
- SB598 By Pederson of the Senate
Driver licenses; providing certain process for persons issued farm permit to receive driver license. Effective date. Emergency.
- SB836 By Rader of the Senate and Tedford of the House
Transportation; creating certain time limit for certain liability. Effective date. Emergency.
- SB920 By Rosino of the Senate and Miller of the House
Aerospace infrastructure; requiring certain permit for construction within certain radius of a heliport or vertiport; granting Oklahoma Department of Aerospace and Aeronautics certain authority. Effective date.
- SB417 By Hamilton of the Senate
Driver licenses; removing certain restricted commercial licenses. Effective date.
- SB528 By Bergstrom of the Senate
Driver licenses; prohibiting Service Oklahoma from certain consideration of criminal background check. Effective date.
- SB340 By Weaver of the Senate and Pae of the House
Railroads; requiring physical copies of certain items to be placed aboard trains. Effective date.
- SB487 By Dossett of the Senate
Driver education; requiring Service Oklahoma to promulgate certain rules. Emergency.
- SB402 By Stewart of the Senate
Commercial driver training; directing Service Oklahoma to promulgate certain rules. Emergency.
- SB368 By Guthrie of the Senate
Oklahoma Vessel and Motor Registration Act; modifying certain definition. Effective date.
- SB730 By Hines of the Senate and Miller of the House
Aircraft and airports; requiring Department of Aerospace and Aeronautics to develop certain program. Effective date.
- SB67 By Frix of the Senate and Miller of the House
Roads and bridges; Rebuilding Oklahoma Access and Driver Safety Fund; modifying apportionment for certain fiscal years. Effective date. Emergency.
- SB341 By Frix of the Senate
Railroad Revitalization Act; providing process for sale of certain lease-purchase properties. Effective date. Emergency.
- SB375 By Frix of the Senate (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1634)
Project solicitation; requiring certain disclosure related to construction inspectors; subjecting change in selection of construction inspectors to certain approval. Effective date.
- SB401 By Frix of the Senate and Johns of the House
Transportation; prohibiting liability of traffic control contractors and subcontractors under certain circumstances. Effective date.
- Other business
Senator Darcy Jech, Chair
Senator Avery Frix, Vice Chair