Meeting Notice
Aeronautics and Transportation
- SB1108 By Hall of the Senate
Service Oklahoma; transferring apportionment duties to Service Oklahoma. Effective date. Emergency.
- SB359 By Coleman of the Senate
Motor vehicles; allowing Service Oklahoma to provide a list of open recalls for vehicles with motor vehicle registration and notify certain vehicle owners. Effective date.
- SB122 By Haste of the Senate
Weigh stations; directing deposit of certain monies in Weigh Station Improvement Revolving Fund. Effective date. Emergency.
- SB135 By Haste of the Senate
Aeronautics technology; modifying Oklahoma Aircraft Engine Testing Development Grant Program; expanding purpose of certain program; depositing certain monies in certain fund. Effective date. Emergency.
- SB64 By Gollihare of the Senate
Turnpikes; exempting veterans from certain tolls. Effective date.
- SB80 By Standridge et al of the Senate
Oklahoma Turnpike Authority; requiring Authority to take certain actions prior to proposals for new turnpike or turnpike modification. Effective date.
- SB20 By Guthrie of the Senate
Utility vehicles; modifying requirements for operation of certain vehicles. Effective date.
- SB67 By Frix of the Senate and Miller of the House
Roads and bridges; Rebuilding Oklahoma Access and Driver Safety Fund; modifying apportionment for certain fiscal years. Effective date. Emergency.
- SB61 By Bullard of the Senate
Memorial highways and bridges; designating the ABLE Agent Lori Thomas Memorial Bridge. Effective date.
- SB979 By Bullard of the Senate
Memorial bridges; designating the Novak and Jean Bullard Memorial Bridge. Effective date.
- SB459 By Coleman of the Senate
Memorial highways; designating the Ike Glass Memorial Intersection. Effective date.
- SB41 By Burns of the Senate
Memorial bridges; designating the PFC Lewis Othel Branscum Memorial Bridge. Effective date.
- SB69 By Green of the Senate
Memorial highways; designating the SFC Tomas L. Avey Bronze Star and Purple Heart Recipient Memorial Highway. Effective date.
- SB837 By Hicks of the Senate
License plates; modifying certain special license plate. Effective date.
- SB1057 By Goodwin of the Senate
License plates; modifying certain special license plate. Effective date.
- Other business
Senator Darcy Jech, Chair
Senator Avery Frix, Vice Chair