Meeting Notice
Administrative Rules REVISED
- SB318 By Bergstrom of the Senate (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1646)
Administrative rules; modifying provisions for promulgation and approval of certain rules; requiring Legislative Office of Fiscal Transparency to conduct certain analyses. Effective date.
- SB391 By Bergstrom of the Senate and Kendrix of the House (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1648)
Opioid Overdose Fatality Review Board; extending sunset. Effective date. Emergency.
- SB392 By Bergstrom of the Senate and Kendrix of the House
Long-Term Care Facility Advisory Council; extending sunset date. Effective date. Emergency.
- SB393 By Bergstrom of the Senate and Kendrix of the House (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1649)
State Board of Licensed Social Workers; extending sunset date. Effective date. Emergency.
- SB394 By Bergstrom of the Senate and Kendrix of the House (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1650)
State Anatomical Board; extending sunset date. Effective date. Emergency.
- SB395 By Bergstrom of the Senate and Kendrix of the House (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1651)
State Board of Examiners of Psychologists; extending sunset date. Effective date. Emergency.
- SB396 By Bergstrom of the Senate and Kendrix of the House (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1652)
Oklahoma Board of Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselors; extending sunset date. Effective date. Emergency.
- SB397 By Bergstrom of the Senate and Kendrix of the House (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1653)
State Board of Behavioral Heath Licensure; extending sunset date. Effective date. Emergency.
- SB835 By Daniels of the Senate
Secretary of State; requiring submission of certain agency actions for review; requiring board to abide by certain recommendations. Effective date.
- SB896 By Bergstrom of the Senate
Administrative rules; providing for termination of permanent administrative rules subject to certain schedule; providing for renewal process. Effective date. Emergency.
- SB995 By Bergstrom et al of the Senate
Administrative Procedures Act; requiring legislative approval for proposed permanent rules. Emergency.
- SB1024 By Bergstrom of the Senate
Administrative rules; requiring revocation of certain rules upon certain permanent rule adoption; providing penalty. Effective date.
- SB897 By Bergstrom of the Senate (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1671)
Corporation Commission; modifying termination date of Plugging Fund. Effective date.
- Other business
Senator Micheal Bergstrom, Chair
Senator Shane Jett, Vice Chair