Linda Tuma Robertson
Edmond, Oklahoma

Born in 1952 and educated at Oklahoma City University, art has always been a natural part of Linda's life.
Linda credits her parents for giving her the opportunity to develop her art talent. At the age of nine, she studied with the late John Shelby Metcalf, a prominent Oklahoma artist. He introduced her to oils which have remained Linda's focus to this day.
Her parents opened her eyes to the natural beauty of this land through trips West and around her native state of Oklahoma. "We always had time to stop and observe a rainbow or watch a thunderhead form." By the time she was twenty, her work had been displayed at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C., the Kerr Museum, the Oklahoma Museum of Art, and the Oklahoma Art Center.
In the 1970's, marriage and two children interrupted her career. For the next few years art took a back seat to raising her family. Presently, Linda is painting and exhibiting her work throughout the Southwest.
The artist's style has been described as a combination of realism and impressionism. Linda comments, "My desire is to paint a landscape reflecting my love for nature. I want the viewer to feel my emotion and inspiration which led me to paint the scene."
Linda Tuma Robertson is a member of the Oil Painters of America and the Oklahoma Art Guild.