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Sen. Murdock says county option bill on medical marijuana represents the majority views of District 27

Sen. Casey Murdock Sen. Casey Murdock

State Sen. Casey Murdock said legislation giving counties an opportunity to opt out of Oklahoma’s medical marijuana law approved last year was his effort to represent the will of the people in Senate District 27.

“Every county in this district voted against State Question 788, with Beaver County delivering the strongest opposition in the state—about 72 percent voted no,” said Murdock, R-Felt. “Densely populated counties like Oklahoma, Cleveland and Tulsa helped pass this law, but it flies in the face of the values and beliefs of the majority of the people out here. My obligation is to them and to ensuring their will is heard at Capitol. That’s why I filed Senate Bill 325.”

Casey’s bill would give counties the opportunity to revisit the issue of medical marijuana if that county’s board of commissioners called for a vote, or by a petition signed by registered voters representing at least 15 percent of the ballots cast in their county during the last election for governor.

Casey said the bill would give counties the option of revisiting the transportation, sale, cultivation or manufacturing of marijuana or related products.
“This bill wouldn’t prevent a person undergoing chemo or someone suffering from another chronic health condition from using a cannabis product. But the majority of people in the Panhandle and nearby counties are very worried about what these marijuana businesses will do to their communities,” Murdock said.

Murdock knows he faces an uphill fight for SB 325, but said he had a responsibility to represent his citizens and their views.

“The voters of District 27 have entrusted me to be their voice at the Capitol. Those are the people I represent with every bill I file and each vote I cast,” Murdock said. “We may not prevail on every single issue, but I still have an obligation to stand up for my fellow citizens, whatever the issue may be.”

Contact info
Sen. Murdock: 405-521-5626 or