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Senate Appropriations Chair says court victory on shot mandates shows Oklahoma charted correct course in fighting federal overreach

OKLAHOMA CITY –Senate Appropriations Chair Roger Thompson is applauding a federal court decision backing Oklahoma’s fight to stop the Biden administration’s vaccine mandates for private health care workers.  He says the action proves the Legislature took the right steps last session in appropriating additional funds to fight federal overreach.

Oklahoma Attorney General O’Connor and 11 other state attorneys general filed a lawsuit last month in federal court to stop the Biden administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandates for health care workers.  Those employees faced losing their jobs if they did not comply with the order. On Tuesday, a federal court granted an injunction against the vaccine requirement.

“I think this shows the importance of our decision last session to appropriate an additional $10 million for Oklahoma’s attorney general to fight back against federal overreach,” said Thompson, R-Okemah.  “Although I strongly oppose such mandates, the fact is it would supersede any state statute we could pass. The only way to beat this order is in federal court. Our strategy has resulted in a win for personal freedoms of Oklahomans.  By staying the course of fighting overreach in federal court, we will prevail.”

Thompson thanked Attorney General O’Connor and his office for their continuing work on the case.

“The injunction against the Biden administration means those health care workers won’t be forced to choose between getting a shot or losing their job,” Thompson said.  “This strategy of fighting federal overreach in the courts will ensure the rights of our state and its citizens are upheld.”

For more information, contact Sen. Roger Thompson at 405-521-5588 or email