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Sen. Roger Thompson appointed to GRDA task force

Sen. Roger Thompson, R-Okemah, has been appointed to serve on the Joint Legislative Task Force on the Grand River Dam Authority (GRDA). Thompson was named to the panel by Senate President Pro Tempore Greg Treat, R-Oklahoma City.

Created by the Legislature in 1935, the GRDA is Oklahoma’s largest public power utility and is funded through the sales of electricity and water. The agency’s mission is also to serve as a conservation and reclamation district for the waters of the Grand River.  The task force was created to study the functions, activities, policies, procedures and expenditures performed by the district and any related issues the task force deems appropriate.

“While GRDA does not receive state appropriations, it is a state agency, and as such, we have a responsibility for oversight,” Thompson said.  “I look forward to working with my fellow legislators on behalf of the people of Oklahoma who rely on the GRDA.”

The task force includes five members of the Senate and five from the House whose legislative districts include a portion of the GRDA district.  Members are appointed by the leaders of their respective chambers.

For more information, contact Sen. Roger Thompson at 405-521-5588 or email