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Sen. Bice chosen to chair appropriations subcommittee; will serve on additional committees in 56th Legislature

Sen. Stephanie Bice has been picked for another leadership position in the State Senate—for the next two years, she will be the chair of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on General Government and Transportation.  Bice was hand-picked to serve as chair by incoming Senate President Pro Tempore Mike Schulz. Bice was also recently chosen by Senate Republican Caucus to serve as Assistant Majority Floor Leader.

            “When you talk about core functions of government, transportation is right there,” said Bice, R-Oklahoma City.  “It’s critical for economic growth and public safety, particularly for people in metro areas and in the surrounding communities where many citizens often commute to work or do business, like this district—that’s why I have pushed to be involved in the transportation committees since coming to the Senate.  The growth in District 22 and the number of commuters means we have a lot at stake in ensuring our infrastructure needs are addressed.  I’m grateful for the opportunity chair the committee that deals with funding and financial policy issues impacting transportation and other critical areas of government.”

             Besides her committee chair, Bice was also appointed to serve on additional Senate committees during the two sessions of the 56th Legislature.  These include General Government; Rules; Business, Commerce and Tourism; Appropriations Subcommittee on Finance; and the full Senate Appropriations Committee.

            Members will return to the Senate for an organizational day on January 3, 2017, and the session will formally begin on February 6.