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Senator Jeff Rabon and Representative Paul Roan are questioning whether their Senate Concurrent Resolution naming the official state dinosaur will receive a House Committee hearing. The bill was assigned to the House Rules Committee and will more than likely not make it on the agenda. The deadline to give bills a committee hearing from the opposite house of origin is quickly approaching – bills must be heard before 5:00pm Thursday, April 21st, 2005.
“I really don’t understand why Representative Tibbs is choosing not to hear this legislation. In my nine years of service, I have never encountered such an unusual stance such as one that is going on in the House right now,” stated Senator Rabon, author of SCR 3. “This truly is an inexplicable, unprecedented display by the House Rules Chairwoman.”
The measure would name the official Oklahoma dinosaur as the Acrocanthosauraus Atokensis. The fossil was found in portions of McCurtain and Atoka Counties by two paleontologists Sid Love and Cephis Hall, who hunted fossils as a hobby. On March 5, 2005, a new wing of the Museum of the Red River was dedicated and inside an exact replica of the fossil is on display.
“I can’t believe that the House Rules Committee is holding a 20 million year old dinosaur hostage,” stated Representative Roan, a Democrat from Tishomingo.
Senator Rabon added the resolution should have gone straight to the House floor for a vote and that it should not have been assigned to a committee at all.
“SCR 3 received great support in the Senate. We do not ask for a lot in southeastern Oklahoma and I believe this is deserved recognition to the region. This unique dinosaur species is very important to our Museum and the people in southeastern Oklahoma,” concluded Rabon, a Hugo Democrat.